Linda Schubert's
Journey of Faith


Los Angeles

Los Angeles

New York

New York





New Zealand



Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Friends in Ministry

Musician and Author - Theresa Huether - theresahuether@gmail.com
Barren no More  - Worship CD that will bring you into the heart of God. $10.00
I'm Singing a New Song - Theresa's testimony of God's mercy and grace throughout her life.  $3

Theresa's prayer for you:  Lord Jesus, we place You before everything else in our lives. We look to You for You alone satisfy.  Bring into fullness all those who minister to You in music and bless the work of those who write about Your mercy and grace.  Let everything we do bring You glory.  In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.  
Musician and Author - Shelly Currin - shellycurrin@shadowstolight.net
From the Shadows and into His Marvelous Light - Shelly's testimony of God's gracious healing power, real and personal, that He desires to pour into each one of our hearts. $3

Shelly's prayer for you: Lord, mighty and gentle, we lay our hearts open before You, some fragile, some wounded, and trust You to reach to the deepest places with Your amazing love, richer than anything we can imagine. You are love and Your desire is to love us into wholeness and holiness. Purify us, heal us, strengthen us, that we would become all that You created us to be, through your awesome, tender, gentle love. Thank you Lord for your healing grace.
Artist and Writer - Tena Klessig. "New Vision Greetings"
http://www.newvisiongreetings.com/ Custom made Catholic greeting cards with original photography, scripture verses and greetings that convey fresh messages of hope and faith.

Tena's prayer for you:  Lord as You have given me inspiration and a creative means to share messages of faith and hope with others, I ask now that Your Holy Spirit would pour forth fresh ideas into the hearts and minds of your people. Touch them now and bring them new and innovative ways to share Your message of love with the world. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.
Serving the Lord in the UK: Gabriele Sedda http://www.ccr.org.uk/
Production and Subscription Manager, Good News Magazine. Drawing insights from the Catholic charismatic renewal, Good News seeks to serve the whole church through teaching articles and testimonies of what God is doing in our countries.

Gabriele's prayer for you: Loving Father we thank you for the grace of Your Holy Spirit released on the day of Pentecost. We pray that, by that same grace, all Your children may experience a renewal in their spiritual life and a new found zeal in the proclamation of Your Word. Through Christ our Lord we pray, amen.
Healing Ministry based in London:  Madeleine O'Connell 
A ministry dedicated to the prayer requests for healing of the womb and for the needs of young children.
(Madeleine has worked with me [Linda Schubert] in many countries and we have seen profound healings and miracles especially with babies and young children.  Ask her to tell you the story of Miriam and Carla in Guadalajara, or little Henry in London, and so many more.)

Madeleine's prayer for you: Father, in the name of your precious Son Jesus Christ, I lift up to you all those who would like to get pregnant and have a child to hold and to love, to bring up to know you, to love you and to serve you for ever and ever. Also those who are suffering from anything relating to their womb, Lord Jesus please heal them. Jesus you said 'Ask and you shall receive'.  This is your word Lord and we believe it and claim it. Please grant them the desires of their hearts in accordance with your will Amen.

Technical Support Tech - James Gilmore - jmgilmore3 at gmail.com
My heart has always been to flow in ministry. There is always a lot do making it all happen. Computer Support, Web Support, Audio recording and keeping all of the software programs running. Linda Schubert is amazing to work for because she is always so gracious and so very grateful. We both have a huge amount of respect for each other.

Power Principle
If you want to be a success in your ministry, start in the background of another and prove yourself faithful. What you make happen for another, "God can make happen for you."
quote by Dr Mike Murdock

James has a prayer for you:  Lord Jesus, I pray that the promise of Shaloam, Shalim (Hebrew words) nothing missing and nothing broken in area of your life be manifest in lives of all of your covenant children. Nothing missing and nothing broken in every area of their lives, physical, spiritual, financial and emotional. Nothing missing and nothing broken but only the wholeness of God filling and overflowing every area of our lives.  In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.  

Friday, July 2, 2010

Health Update

In mid June 2010 I was scheduled for a number of tests to address digestive issues. Through an upper endoscopy I was diagnosed with what is called mantle cell lymphoma. There is apparently an aggressive type and a sub group that is slow growing. I am thankfully in the sub group according to a PET scan recently done. This means wait and see, with no chemotherapy. In any event, I have cancelled all future travel, in order to stay close to home and take care of my health. Many people from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, throughout Europe and the USA and more, have prayed for me. I am so grateful. As I express my gratitude I include prayers for others dealing with cancer, that the Lord will guide them through the challenges with their eyes on Him in trustful surrender.

A few years ago when I was visiting my sister in Oregon, I fell in love with a knitted throw draped across her sofa. These words from Isaiah 26:3 were stitched into the fabric: “He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in Him.” Seeing my longing look, she gave it to me. Every day, when I make my bed, I drape it over the bedspread, so that every time I go in my room I see that scripture. Today I know why the Lord wanted that message of trust and peace to work deeply into my heart. He was preparing me.

For others with a diagnosis of cancer:
 “Lord Jesus, I lift to You now all those dealing with various stages and kinds of cancer. Help them to come to that perfect peace through trust in You. Help them to keep their eyes on You, not on any medical diagnosis. Let the power of Your Holy Spirit begin to flow in and through them now, touching, healing, restoring, making whole. Let them feel Your love and experience Your healing power in a special way. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.”