Linda Schubert's
Journey of Faith


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Friday, July 2, 2010

Health Update

In mid June 2010 I was scheduled for a number of tests to address digestive issues. Through an upper endoscopy I was diagnosed with what is called mantle cell lymphoma. There is apparently an aggressive type and a sub group that is slow growing. I am thankfully in the sub group according to a PET scan recently done. This means wait and see, with no chemotherapy. In any event, I have cancelled all future travel, in order to stay close to home and take care of my health. Many people from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, throughout Europe and the USA and more, have prayed for me. I am so grateful. As I express my gratitude I include prayers for others dealing with cancer, that the Lord will guide them through the challenges with their eyes on Him in trustful surrender.

A few years ago when I was visiting my sister in Oregon, I fell in love with a knitted throw draped across her sofa. These words from Isaiah 26:3 were stitched into the fabric: “He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in Him.” Seeing my longing look, she gave it to me. Every day, when I make my bed, I drape it over the bedspread, so that every time I go in my room I see that scripture. Today I know why the Lord wanted that message of trust and peace to work deeply into my heart. He was preparing me.

For others with a diagnosis of cancer:
 “Lord Jesus, I lift to You now all those dealing with various stages and kinds of cancer. Help them to come to that perfect peace through trust in You. Help them to keep their eyes on You, not on any medical diagnosis. Let the power of Your Holy Spirit begin to flow in and through them now, touching, healing, restoring, making whole. Let them feel Your love and experience Your healing power in a special way. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.”


  1. Psalms 118:17 NIV
    I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.

  2. Prayer changes things!!!! I believe you will be completely healed. By His stripes we are healed. May the prayers of others find the favor of God as YOUR prayers have done for others.

    He sent His word and Healed them!

  3. Linda, just know that there's one more person (that's me) praying for you.
    A BIG hug

  4. Hi Linda,
    Thank you for sharing your faith and prayers of hope with your friends and family in Christ.
    We are keeping you in our prayers also.

    Shalom & love <))><

  5. Linda, because of you, I have grown closer to our Lord. Actually, my whole family has. I will dedicate my holy hour tonight for our Lord to keep on pouring His Precious Blood over you and for all your intentions and I will pray a novena to St. Peregrine for you. With all my love!!

  6. Hi, Linda!
    My name's Vitor, and I'm from Brazil.
    I thank God so much for your life, and for all things you've written so far. As He, JESUS, is within YOU, you've got the best companion a person could have. And keep on couting with all our prayers for you. I have to tell you that your books/experiences/style has REALLY changed the way I come to the Lord as his child. Not only for me, but also for my family.
    May the blood of our Lord Jesus be upon you, and heal all areas you need to be healed. My family and I will keep praying for you.
    A biiiiiiig HUG!!! From your friends in Brazil :)

    Vitor Lima

  7. 'Ask and you shall receive'
    Jesus we are asking for Linda to be healed.

    'Seek and you shall find'
    Jesus we are seeking your healing for Linda.

    'Knock and the door will be opened unto you'
    Jesus we are knocking and we know that You will open the door to our prayers for Linda to be healed.

    Thank you Jesus, Praise you Jesus, we love you Jesus!

    Linda receive His healing as everyone who reads it prays for you, and, know that you are loved.

    with lots of love and blessings

  8. Dear Linda,
    I too have prayed for you. Your journey has really been an interesting yet so sorrowful at times but Praise God you saw the Face of the Father so well.

    I called you to give you info on natural means of healing Cancer.
    1."Live Vegetable Juices" a book written in California years ago is worth looking for. I personally know of 4 people who were healed of cancer using this method.

    2.Enagic Kangen water-www.wowkangenwater.ca tell him I sent you. We may beable to work something out for you.

    3.See Dr. Simoncini(oncologist-Rome) web site and see videos- he says cancer is candida Albicans-He uses baking soda and tells you how to-see testamonies. http://www.curenaturalicancro.com/index.php

    4. www.watercure2.org see videos Water+sea salt and iodine
    5. Clean the bowls -most important use the Probiotic called friendly flora and Enzymes from www.Avenaoriginals.com Dr Bernard Jensen at 85 had 2 days to live according to his doctor and was in great pain, 76lbs -dr Micheal O'Brien gave him an enema of cold olive oil and had just the two products above administered to him with a liquid He was cancer free in 8 weeks and 1 day back on his ranch lived another 9 years. I use these products and am a member 6 years.Tell them I sent You.
    6. To clean bowls- google oxypowder (or Now magnesium oxide), or look up Dr Natura, Avena's Herbal Cocktail are ones I recommend also www.BellLifeStyleProducts.com
    Bell product #74 Colon care and cleanse their products are great.
    7.Taheeho or Pau d'arco tea
    8.greens(kale and others) in a smootie with a fruit to give a good flavor. 2cups water + fill blender full of kale or mixed greens plus a banana or fruit of your choice.
    9.1/4 teaspoon curcumin + bk. pepper regularly sprinkled on your food.
    10. Get off of all pop and anything with aspartame in it. Try to eat organic food grown in your state. Something in organic milk prevents cancer-better unpasterized.
    11. My mother would say get book "The Grape Cure"

    There may very well be others.
    Just Starting www.BlossomYourHealth.com not yet up.
    Lina Lavertu kyotosolution@gmail.com

  9. Hi Linda!!
    I did not hear from you!! Just to remind I am here and praying for you!!
    God bless

  10. Hi Linda:

    God bless you now and always Linda. Your life, your words, your voice have touched my heart and my life in many ways. I thank God for you and your ministry. I ask Jesus and the Holy Spirit to pray continually for you, dear one. May He always grant you peace, love and joy. Love Marsha

  11. Linda, I am praying for you... I thank God for you and for your good health and most of all for your courageous acts and books that have helped millions... I have your 5 Minute Miracles booklet and am looking forward to your Miracle Hour too... I love you and I thank God for showing me you! You have inspired me...

  12. I am a Messianic Jew, but i can pray for you each day. G-D will bless you for your service to Him.
